Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day Seven- Courage Kicks Fear In the Rear

     First of all, when using the Internet, peruse the correct dictionary. I had looked up the word; 'courage' on, this is the definition that came back, 'the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear (Italics added by me); bravery.'

    I don't agree with this definition. Courage is not without fear. So I had to see if Mr. Webster agreed or disagreed. His definition is more accurate, "mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty"
    So see, the cowardly lion was always brave, he ventured with Dorothy, persevere in the face of great danger, and  withstood against the great amount of fear he felt for having to travel to Oz to ask for courage. The irony of course, being that he always possessed courage. He didn't have to ask for.
     It's not something we can ask some one to give us, we have to find it for ourselves. We have to feel it. 

    Courage has to be stronger than fear. It has to be able to take fear and sit on it. Silence it. Or at least muffled it's defeatism attitude. If nothing else, courage has to be louder then the sharp and painful voice of fear.

     It's difficult to have courage some times. Especially if it's a decision that goes against the majority. And what some one needs courage to do may not be the same thing some one else needs courage for.
     That's why on Fear Factor some people can jump off the side of buildings and some can't. That's also why some people can have creepy and crawly things covering their bare skin and not freak out. I enjoy taking photos of insects, I'm not sure I could lay down, chained up, allowing biting things to nibble on my skin while hero hottie has to find three missing padlocks.

     You can have too much courage and that's called recklessness. A lot of teenage boys and young guys seem to suffer from this. They end up on 'youtube' videos and comedy shows. I hope high user views relate to paid medical bills.
    Many things take courage:

           Speaking the truth can take courage.
           Making new friends takes courage.
           Standing up for what you believe in can take a great deal of courage.

      I hope to teach Bean and Abu about the courage to be themselves. To speak honestly even when everyone else rather hide behind lies. And to overcome their fears to meet new people, to try new foods and to keep reaching for their dreams even when they're afraid they might fail.

     Courage is difficult to hold onto and I can remember the times it left me. Sometimes it takes a lot of prayers to find our courage when it has forgotten us.

     And sometimes I really do wish a wizard could just hand me courage. Or I could be a superhero- they always have courage...and really cool gadgets. :)

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