Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Starting a new Adventure

Porch Dog Press. The Cowboy's Sexy Songbird. A new adventure in publishing.


To my blog readers: I'm excited to announce the release of my first fictional book.

The Cowboy's Sexy Songbird also featuring, The Sheriff's Passionate Princess

I started my own publishing company, Porch Dog Press, to publish my writing. After years of going the traditional path to becoming an author and never quite reaching it, I decided to strike out on my own. We live in a digital age, with the ability to offer our stories directly to the readers.

It took a lot of thought on my part to decide to go this route. I didn't want people to think I was self-publishing because I wasn't good enough. I didn't want to offer stories that screamed self-published.

I decided if I was going to publish myself then I was treating it like a business. Because that's what publishing is- a business.

I found a company, The Editorial Department that would edit without holding anything back.
And they weren't afraid to tell me exactly what they thought.

But a long story, short: After a lot of hard work, perhaps some tears I'm not admitting to, and realizing that owning a publishing company is a huge learning curve-

Oh, and marketing. What the heck? I wrote and published a book. Shouldn't people somehow magically find it on their own? -

I have accomplished the biggest hurdle. Publishing the first title of a new company. 

I love the story. It's fun and serious and humorous and sad. It has a strong and independent female and a sexy hero.

It has adventure because I don't like romance novels that are just a big, long mooning session. And it has a touch of paranormal, because I love superheroes. And so it was fun to create a female character, who has a special ability to solve the problem. To help the hero. To not be the total damsel in distress.

The first title is in the past, mixing historical with paranormal- and I created a fictional town, Rocky View, Colorado and a fictional ranch, The Rusty Halton Ranch, for my setting.

The second title will be coming out this fall or early winter.

I'm so excited about this adventure and I hope you join me in Rocky View. I have included the link to Amazon.

Also, you can like Porch Dog Press on Facebook.

And if- no, when you like it, please write some awesome reviews at Amazon or Goodreads.

Because now, apparently it's all about marketing.

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