Wednesday, September 15, 2010

To Challenge or Not to Challenge...

     Just the other moment I had a very good idea that my husband, we'll call him hero hottie in this blog, and I should take a day and hike an eleven mile trail.
      It was a grand idea, well planned and thought out because we have hiked many times before just not that many miles at once. 

     But seven hours later...

    I mockingly cursed the universe for putting the most dangerous part of the hike at the end of it. 
    My hero hottie laughed but I think he was questioning my sanity at this point. 
    Our eleven mile hike, already an exciting challenge, had turned into eighteen grueling miles thanks to government cuts at the forest service and trails that were horribly mismarked. 
     Inexperience of wild and unmanaged trails played no part in the extra mileage. :) 
     The last part of the trail was 'paved' with ankle breaking rocks and scenic drop offs. 
     No safety guards provided. 
     Deadly and beautiful. 
     And challenging. 
     We made it to the end, alive (obviously) and without any broken bones. 
    Sore and exhilarated though. 
    Sometimes a good challenge is the perfect prescription for the soul stuck in a rut. 
    Or to remind us that life isn't just about (or isn't at all about) paying bills, washing dishes, or crying over rejection slips. 
     It's about all the emotional stuff us writers and artists try to convey in words or pictures. 
     If we hadn't lost misplaced the trail a few times we wouldn't have seen an eagle with wings that seem to span the entire sky or a caterpillar so huge we could see the expression on his face. 
     A few times I wanted to quit, we had a cell phone on us, the temptation was there. 
     But then I wouldn't have seen or known or felt the things I did. 
     I wouldn't had been given precious time with hero hottie in this crazy, busy world we inhabit. I wouldn't have known that I make up silly, raunchy songs and sing them loudly for the forest critters when I want to give up and just live right on the trail for the rest of my life.
     And it's the same with writing my (third, unpublished) novel. I could have quit at any time. I could still throw in the desire to be published as I struggle to finish the whole 'becoming an author' process. 

     But what things would I miss along the way???? :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow Christy! The things you learn about your neighbors! When you posted on my blog i noticed that your name was blue so I clicked on it. (Does she blog too?!) Wow! (Again.) I read through all your posts. (Chris told me it was creepy to read your stuff when you didn't ask me to. I reminded him that it's a BLOG...out there for the world to see by it's nature. I pray you feel the same. :) ) All these words you're writing...they're inspiring! Really! I am a closeted writer myself. Hiding under the kids and laundry. (And dog hair you refer to.)Reading your blog was refreshing for me. Good for you! Keep plugging away! If you need a cheerleader, I'm right across the street :)
