Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Life on Hold but Changes Keep a Coming

   First of all, how am I suppose to keep up with all the changes in my life from my comfy spot on the couch? I feel like a spectator at this point instead of a participant---and it's only day thirteen of my modified bed rest.
    I should at least have a concession stand close by to purchase popcorn. :)

    I'm managing my life by phone, email and Facebook. It's a chaotic mess. I'll like to say I have it all under control. I'm sitting in the command seat with my computer, my phone and my schedule book and it all looks rosy.

   Oh, boy. Can kids survive off French fries every night for dinner for a month or two? It's a veggie right? I'll even buy the 'healthy' fries. Maybe we should switch to carrot sticks at least.

    Bean and Abu need brand new tights for their upcoming dance recital and of course I haven't figured out a way to get down to the dance wear store and purchase them. I could probably send Hero Hottie if he wasn't working so much but will he come back with the correct tights? Their dance school is picky. They have to wear a certain shade of pink or they won't be setting foot on that stage. Sounds strict and it is. Their teacher isn't crazy like the "dance teachers" on that stupid 'Dance Moms' show. She just a professional ballerina. She expects her students to be just as professional. And that's why Bean and Abu are enrolled there. I want them to reach for high (but not ridiculously soul crushing) expectations and they receive that at their dance studio.
    But I'm diverting from my original point.
    The problem I could have by waiting too long- they will run out of the sizes I need. Since they're the only place that sales exactly what I need you can see where this might cause a small problem.
    Countdown to two weeks before the show and I decide that I better call the store and see if they will put them to the side if I explain my problem. One great thing about living in a small town and dealing with a local business store is that they're usually super helpful and it was no problem at all to put the tights aside until someone can pick them up.
    Try doing that at Wal-Mart or Target. :)

   At least PTO stuff is easy to accomplish. I write a check and either send it in the mail, have someone pick it up, or give it to Bean to take to school and give to a teacher. 
    Another thing I needed help with; clothes shopping. Bean and Abu desperately needed new swimsuits for a field trip next week and since I can't walk around that long trying to find the perfect suit I called my mother in law to take them around for the afternoon. I sent them money and hoped for the best.
    Word of advice though. If you allow a ten and eight year to take their own money to the mall and Grandma is already paying for extra clothes beyond what Mom sent with them- they probably won't spend it on what you want them to. Of course, it's their money and I understand that but with that being said I don't want them spending twenty bucks of their money at the CANDY STORE.
   They came back with zombie brain soda (is this made out of zombie brains or will it turn you into a zombie?), gummy sharks and gummy peachy penguins. Abu came back with a giant orange gummy bear as big as the palm of her hand. It will take her a month to eat it.
   They are thrilled. Never have they had so much candy in their possession at one time. They can't stop talking about the candy store. I think they have asked every kid they know if they have been to the candy store at the mall. It's their fascination, their obsession, their favorite thing right now. I suppose they think I kept them candy deprived all these years.
   Which I have because it's not great for them and Abu is diabetic. But it's not to say we don't buy candy and we have even brought candy at the mall before. But it's not the same as spending over twenty bucks on big bags of candy at one time.
    Oh, well. I've read in financial columns that you should allow your kids a bit of money they can waste so they learn by the time they're adults that perhaps spending twenty bucks at the candy store is not a smart financial decision.

    But on the plus side of the shopping trip- the girls had a wonderful time with Grandma. I had a chance to rest without dealing with bored and bickering kids because we couldn't go do anything on a nice day and they had a chance to pick out outfits that maybe I would have steered them away from. Usually I show them which shelves or stands we can afford and let them pick from there. It's a nasty budget thing. But their Grandma is great and she tends to make a big sweeping motion of the entire store and say, "Lets shop."
   The outfits the girls came back are so grown up and stylish. And they are happy to have such delightfully new clothes for summer. And they're looking so grown up.

  All and all, we're surviving the chaos. I'm bored, the girls are a bit poorer and we will be tired of French fries and breakfast items by the time the baby's born.
  But,  I do have to say, Bean bought me a chocolate bar with her own money. And I can't complain about chocolate. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'll pick up the tights Christy! Just tell me where!

    I like the idea of your couch being your command center. That makes Blueberry your co-pilot and the whole idea is pretty cute.

    Hang in there! When this is all over you get the best reward ever...a beautiful, perfect, healthy, daughter. Ahhhhhh. Totally worth it, right?!
