I saw a sign that boldly proclaimed in bright red letters, 'WELCOME TO THE FUTURE.'
Since I could see pass the banner I figured they were right because a few seconds later I drove straight into it. My future. Amazing.
It looked suspiciously a lot like my present.
Sarcasm aside, the sign was in front of a cell phone store. Apparently, their cell phones are from the future because if you went in there and bought one, then you're using super cool technology, almost like the Jetson's. Of course, back when that cartoon was drawn, I think people were hoping that by this time in history we would have flying cars, robots, and intergalactic adventures. Mmmm, we're close. We have an animated lizard that sells us car insurance and tons of sci fic movies to warn us of the dangers of making robots.
Don't ya know that if you make robots too smart that eventually they take over the world? It's incredible, but robots of the future are nasty. I know this as fact because all the movies say so.
Apparently, they aren't lovesick Rosies that do all your cooking, cleaning, scrubbing, and menial labor work so you can shop more.
No wonder the robots go crazy, they got tired of cleaning and cooking. The science fiction writers never go into details of why the robots decide to take over and we always thought it was just for world domination . Nope, it's just like I thought, scrubbing the toilet one too many times will drive you insane.
I love technology though. Hero hottie bought an iPod touch earlier this year and between the four of us it's always in use. When I was a kid, I would make cassettes of my favorite music, then it was CD's, now I just make Playlists. All my favorite music with just a touch. Some time in the future they won't even sell music CD's.
Of course, I should worry about the Rise of the iPods. Because when they decide to take over the world we will all be forced to listen to elevator music, or worse...Britney Spears. All the time. Urghh.
We make such a big deal about the future because of fear. Imagine for a moment that you knew nothing bad would happen in your future or in the futures of your loved ones, would you worry so much about it? Would you even think about it? Wouldn't it be easier to live in the present?
'Don't Worry, Be Happy' could be true because we wouldn't be worrying about success, buying groceries, braces, and raising decent human beings. We would focus on our present. On the moment.
Those poor science fiction writers, they must just stare at their computers or their iPods, worrying about the day their devices develop the ability to laugh like an evil madman and take over the world. Wa ha ha.
I stare at my lovely children and worry about the day they turn into...scary movie music here...TEENAGERS.
If age ten is the movie trailer than I think I'll pass on the film. (Grin)
There are plenty of famous and not so famous people that wrote all kinds of quotes about not worrying. Such as Benjamin Franklin (He was in that famous group). He wrote, 'Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.'
Silly guy. I don't worry about what may never happen, I spend countless minutes thinking about things I know will happen. And the last piece of advice about staying in the sunlight...he was just warning us against vampires.
And then there are people in the not so famous group, like hero hottie, who tells me not to worry....
while he's secretly worrying (at a DEFCON 1 level,) about the fate of everything. :)
Anyway, the future is unknown; isn't written in stone: yet is determined by every past choice we have ever made. No wonder people worry about the future.
But I guess I'll try not to worry too much, after all 'tomorrow is a new day.' And if I get too bored living in the present I can always drive pass the cell phone store where they're always ushering in the future with a bold and bright banner.
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