I'm great at making lists. I make lists of things I need to do. Lists of business and writing goals. And lists of chores that are waiting for me.
When I'm in a mood I'll even add things to my list that I've already accomplished just so I can cross them off.
Pitiful, I know. But it's a great pick me up without the calories from emotional eating.
When the movie, 'The Bucket List' came out and everyone was composing their lists of things to experience before they died, I made my list too.
This list was a bit wishful. I would probably have to win the lottery or find a long lost extremely wealthy relative to be able to cross off all my ideas.
The list I made after I almost died was a lot more meaningful.
I know people who make list of material possessions they have to own before they die. I wish they would realize that heaven doesn't have a FedEx service. You're not even allowed to bring the clothes on your back. Doubt me? Look at the ancient Egyptians, all those tombs were empty weren't they? (They weren't. Everything they planned to take to the afterlife is still waiting for delivery.)
What do we take? Only your memories and who you are. Good or bad. Perhaps a list of brownie points (just kidding.)
But in all these long lists I have made I've never made a list of blessings.
Lately, I've been struggling with my faith. The crazier the world gets; when people are willing to stampede each other for $2.00 waffle makers, when I have to wonder how the collapse of the Euro will affect me and my community or how 46 million Americans depend on food stamps to feed their families; the less I understand. What purpose is there for humanity and how far off track have we gotten? Is there even a track to follow? If Dora The Explorer can call for a map at any time which always tells her which way to go, can't I at least get a cheat sheet? A clue? Something? Anything?
In my search for faith I decided to make a list of blessings. And what better month to do that, than in December? The month we associate with peace, hope, miracles, and a chance for redemption.
For the next twenty five days I will write about a random blessing in my life. They won't be in any sort of order, just written with gratitude and hope. These are deeply personal and meaningful and I hope inspire my readers to make their own list of blessings.
And if they do inspire you, please forward my blog on to family and friends that might need an encouraging word.
It's a written search for my faith, fueled by gratitude, humor, and hopefully some answers.
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