So the month of September passed me by in a blur of blustery days and golden leaves and...
a Baby Blueberry.
Hence, why I haven't wrote anything until now...I have filled my autumn days with Baby smiles and that 'new baby smell.' I have been surrounded by diapers, little -tiny clothes, and the tasks of all new Moms.
I will write about her arrival this week. But first the tale of how we got there.
On the first of September, Hero Hottie and I decided that we wanted to help nature along. Weeks of strong and painful contractions and frequent false alarms were causing us to feel very impatient for the arrival of Baby Blueberry.
And even though I had just experienced an entire year of being reminded that plans made are often plans changed; I decided I should have some say in Baby Blueberry's due date.
I wasn't thinking inducing, I hate pitocin, it makes for the worse contractions; but I thought we should try the safe old wives tales on how to kick start a labor.
So, on that Saturday, we went through our lists of ones we wanted to try. We walked around the park with the older girls, we spent the day together, he rubbed my ankles, and we ended the afternoon eating really spicy food at the Mexican restaurant.
The contractions would start and then fizzle out.
We didn't have a Baby, but we had a really nice day as a family.
Hero Hottie came home though not looking so well. He had woken up not feeling real great but it hadn't been bad enough to stop our day. Now, he just wanted to nap.
So nap he did, until about 6pm when searing, sharp pains in his back and side woke him up.
If anyone reading this has had a kidney stone, than you is not a fun experience at all. For Hero Hottie there is usually a lot of vomiting, clammy skin, shaking, rolling around on the floor trying to find a position that eases the pain, and language that has me sending the kids downstairs.
He has experienced kidney stones twice before so we knew what was probably happening and in that second I was so glad we hadn't had a baby earlier. Could you imagine being in labor, in the middle of trying to birth your child and suddenly your husband is having to take up residence in the floor above you for kidney stones? How horrible would that be?
So here I was just a few minutes earlier thinking how disappointed I was that we didn't have a Baby yet, and now I was so grateful that MY PLANS hadn't worked. Another reminder on having Faith. It wasn't the right time to have a Baby, because if we had; than her Daddy would have missed her birth.
And that thought was just horrible. I didn't want him missing that.
I sent the older girls over to Grandma's and took Hero Hottie to the ER. Which was a disaster. It was packed. So busy in fact that there was no place to sit and since they couldn't see him yet, he went outside to walk and pace and try to deal with the intense pain.
I stayed inside to listen for his name.
An hour passed without his name being called. I kept checking on him and he looked horrible, trying to deal with the pain of the sharp little kidney stone.
More time passed and I couldn't see Hero Hottie from the window but I knew he was just passed my view. Then I saw two security guards walk in his direction and stop.
I quickly went outside, thinking something horrible had happened.
Hero Hottie was lying on the ground, obviously having just puked. He did not look so well at all. But he answered me when I said his name. I don't think I sounded as panicked as I felt on the inside when I saw him lying on the sidewalk.
The security guards were so concerned for him. I write that with sarcasm, by the way. Because after I explained to them that he was suffering from a kidney stone and not only could the ER not see him yet, but there was no where to sit down in the waiting area, they told me he would have to go inside anyway, because it didn't make the hospital look good to have him outside and puking.
Well, heaven forbid, we make the hospital look bad.
'Honey, you have to go inside and just stand there, while having a kidney stone and remember don't make the hospital look bad.'
As if he intentionally planned on vomiting in front of the hospital.
The security guards talked to the staff and we were told it would only be a few more minutes, so we went inside. That few more minutes was almost an hour and then he was given a bed in the hallway, next to a room that had big, bold signs on it that said don't enter unless you are wearing a mask. I have to say I felt a bit uneasy about our location since I was pregnant with Baby Blueberry.
Twenty -long -minutes in the hallway next to the contagion zone we finally received good news... Finally.
After three hours of waiting...we found ourselves in a room and being seen by a doctor. Who quickly prescribed some painkillers. And then Hero Hottie was blessed with a wonderful nurse who filled the order quickly so that he could finally obtain a bit of relief.
After a blood test, a CT scan; to make sure it was a kidney stone, to verify that it was a passable kidney stone and to rule out appendicitis; we went home at 2:00 in the morning.
So our busy day, which had started out with a plan to be in the hospital, had in a way happened. It just wasn't me who ended up there.
Luckily. Because then both of us would have been there.
Of course, I'm sure Hero Hottie would have gladly passed on the chance for such a nice visit to the ER.
Over the next week I would keep telling Baby Blueberry to stay in her nice, cozy space until her Daddy had passed his kidney stone and was well again. In the meantime, I would just wait for labor to happen naturally, realizing that there was a bigger plan involving the whole process than I knew about.
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