There are certain things that go perfectly together; peanut butter and jelly, chocolate and anytime of day, and well behaved children when you're with your in-laws. (Otherwise she might buy you a Supernanny book and info you what parts she thinks pertain to your child.)
But other strange combinations just happen and you know it's not the way nature intended.
1. Self check out lines and rude people.--Being told by the guy who just cut in front of me that he had the right to the machine first because I'm standing in the wrong spot just proves that he's not a pleasant person. In fact, they should have failed him in kindergarten because I'm sure he was a line cutter then too.
Dude, if I wasn't half your size and pregnant, I would had done more than roll my eyes and complain about you in my blog. As it is, you just made me grateful to be married to Hero Hottie.
2. Tipping poorly for breakfast service because, after all, the work involved in serving toast and bacon has to be way easier than serving dinner.
I've known family and friends that have worked in the food industry and they have complained that the tips in the morning are horrible compared to dinner. But if we stop and think about it...does it take any less work to serve breakfast, especially if you count the extra little containers of butter, jelly, maple syrup, Ketchup, etc?
A long time ago Hero Hottie's tips from delivering pizzas helped pay the bills. If the service is great...then it shouldn't matter what time of the day it is.
3. People that suddenly expect the PTO (or PTA) to pay for non essential items when they don't even bother to come to the meetings. And when you try to explain this to them, they think you're hiding funds from them.
I love volunteering for the PTO at our school. But we're a very small group of dedicated parents that keep it running. We try to do our best and we're trying to make the best decisions to increase our funds and plan some educational programs for the students next year. Especially since we're in a lower income school and any extra educational opportunities we can develop for the students is vital for the future of our community. So it's frustrating when we have parents come to us for requests for items we don't feel fit our goals and even when we explain this to them, they won't stop asking. They haven't been involved in the PTO, they haven't volunteered and they imply that perhaps they need to see the budget because obviously there is money for them that we're not giving them. (By the way, the budget is public info and is always available at the meetings. But you have to show up.)
Come to a meeting or volunteer for an activity. If the only time I see your face is when you're demanding money from me for items that don't even fit the ideas of the PTO, then please don't expect me to cut you a check.
4. People that take out student loans for kindergarten tuition.
Seriously, this was an article on It was discussing parents that take out loans to pay for their children's private school education, not just private high school but kindergarten. Seriously? What motivates a parent to take out debt for their child when they're just five or six years old? I believe that every parent should take an active part in their child's education but am I not doing enough if I didn't take out more debt for my children's kindergarten education than what I paid for my college?
5. Pregnancy and Trying to Remember Everything
Do you know how many things I have either forgotten or made mistakes with this week? And why should pregnancy interfere with my daily brain activity? I almost messed up my checking account, totally made a famous artist in New York City think I was probably the most loony and unorganized person he has ever dealt with, scheduled Abu's orthodontics's appointment at the same time as her field trip (field trip won), and forgot who paid for their Girl Scout cookies and bugged family members for money they had already given me.
Luckily my sister in law understands pregnancy brain. I'm not so sure about the artist in NYC, but luckily he seems like a nice and very patient guy.
Whew, I'm not sure how I'm going to survive the next five months when all that happened in just one week. I think pregnant women should get personal assistants...that stay for at least six months after birth.
Anyway, the world is crazy sometimes. I'm sure there are more, if anyone wants to share. :)
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