I think every child should be blessed with great parents. The world would be such a better place if everyone had parents that were responsible, caring, generous, and followed the golden rule. And since today is Father's Day, lets talk about Dads in general. Because where would we be without great Dads?
This discussion is going to stick to the things that make a wonderful Dad. I'm not talking about the males that deposit their 23 chromosomes, a monthly check and a whole lot of heartache. Just about any guy can become a parent, not all of them make a good Dad.
I have a great Dad and I know it. I try not to take that fact for granted. And maybe because I realize just how lucky I am, most of my stories feature characters that are orphans and they have to find their own way in the world.
Now Dads are completely and wonderfully different than Moms. (Great Moms are a blessing too and since I didn't have the time to write about them around Mother's Day, sometime this summer I will discuss them).
Here are five rough and tumble ways why Dads earn a day of appreciation.
#1. Moms are usually in charge of our nutritional needs, that's why cookies are outlawed before dinner time, for breakfast and in quantities of more than one. But Dads don't know these rules. They appreciate a good chocolate chip or peanut butter cookie. So the rule in my house was if you wanted a second cookie or absolutely needed one right before dinner, bypass Mom (who was busy anyway) and ask Dad. Not only would he say yes, he would join you and usually share more than one too.
#2. Nice days are for mowing the grass and raking leaves. But Dads love the idea of taking it easy too. They're almost always up to an extra game of catch, an afternoon of fishing, a hike through the park or an all evening bike ride.
#3. Bedtime to a Dad, unless he's trying to watch a television show or check emails, means that it is time to get rowdy. This, for some odd reason to a Dad, is the best time to chase the kids around the house causing them to scream, hide and giggle. It's the perfect time to toss small children so high in the air Moms are sure kids are going to end up bruised. And then when the kids are completely wound up and using their beds as trampolines, Dads decide to go back to what they were doing and it's Mom's time to tuck them in.
#4. Dads understand that Moms are just being overly nervous about the entire learning to drive thing when Moms come home from teaching you how to drive and they're threatening to never take you out again. I beg to differ, the line of cars parked along the side of the road were still half an inch away from my car and were in no danger of being side swiped. Dads understand this and they will risk getting into the car with you so you can finish learning to drive. And besides they make you feel better when you fail your first driving test.
#5. They believe in you. They're the first ones to let go of the back of the bike, to have the patience to teach you to skip rocks and have enough faith in you that eventually you can learn algebra. At least enough of it to pass the math class. And they won't even tell anyone that you were crying over negative and positive numbers.
Bonus Reason: They're also the last threat in Mom's arsenal of weapons. If she has already used your full name, grounded you and took away your favorite show, then if she reaches the 'you just wait until your Father gets home...'
Well, good luck. Because Dads are also good at reminding you that you might have taken it too far. Frustrating but it helps you turn into a decent human being. :)
So I don't have a study to reference to prove my point. But I have to conclude anyway, I know we need good Dads in the world. My Dad is eating ice cream sundaes with his grandkids this afternoon and still enjoys getting the children wound up at just the 'right' time.
Hero hottie gets a whole big grilled dinner with lots of manly foods and plenty of hugs from his children. I'm a lucky gal, I had a wonderful Dad and I married a man who is a great Father to our children. So Happy Father's Day to all the men in my life.
P.S.- According to my youngest, Dads are also great because they're like big, hairy gorillas that wrestle you all the time.
This post makes me so happily sentimental...we are truly, truly lucky ladies to be able to look back in time and at our own partners and be witness to such fathers. Wish I could give every kid out there that kind of reality. You're right...the world would be a much better place. :)