Today's blog is brought to you by the word frantic.
' Frantic'
Oh, goodness. What can I say? I started the week off by waking up late and only by kicking into frantic mode being able to pull off the seemingly impossible feat of getting the kids to school on time.
We only had twenty-eight minutes to eat, get dressed, and drive to school.
People with children will understand that a miracle has occurred.
The week hasn't slowed down since then and the frustration level keeps building. Meditation has totally lost this week; beat down and held hostage by tension, frustration and a general sense of fear of the unknown direction of the world. I'm sorry, but I have issues with the EPA talking about upping the safe levels of radiation. Because then that makes it safe? I'm sure any high school science teacher would have issues with that logic too.
I'm sure that it's not just me feeling this general sense of uneasiness. The entire world seems to be waiting in the corner ring, ready for the signal, the crowd going wild. But no one knows for sure who they're cheering for.
Near fist fights between fifth graders, depression in everyone I know, and rude people at that store seem to be the theme of the week. Yes, these things happen at other times and it's not hard to find people lacking in manners at the big box discount stores but this week it seems worse, like everyone is on edge.
Is worry flammable?
Last night a mini herd of plastic bunny rabbits decided to escape and roam the neighborhood. Unfortunately, they left the owner of them in tears. Heart breaking, gut wrenching tears and even though I have told this wonderful child of mine to keep wandering toys closer to home, some lessons are painful to learn.
Still, deep sobs are hard to ignore and shivering in the cold because spring here can be rather chilly, I was out in the dark with a flashlight trying to find little plastic toys. I didn't have any luck and tear stains on chubby cheeks was the sad note of the night. (Sigh.)
This morning the bunnies came home and for a few hours this crazy, 'doesn't make sense' world was in balance again. The sun is shining and life is good.
Too bad as an adult fixing things is never as easy as finding lost toys. And our lessons are never as simple as learning to keep track of our toys. We have to make sense of a world that to this generation has never seen as crazy. We have massive uprisings in Africa and conflicts that aren't considered wars even though we're using war planes and missiles and fighting. I guess my dictionary is different than the people in charge.
We have radiation from Japan traveling the winds and now waters around the world and we're told not to worry. I hate to worry and I try not to think about something I can't see anyway, but I have children. Tell me not to worry.
I listen to the 'newscasters' on the news and the politicians that tell me that the American dollar is strong and enormous debt problem isn't something to worry about but I go to the grocery store and my dollar must be missing something because one trip cost me more than the time before and I have less food in my cart. But I'm not too worry? Will radiated vegetables cost less or more?
I need to find a bit of positive to end with but this week it's a bit difficult to find a sense of calmness when the world is in frantic mode and you feel like your choices are either trying to keep up or be dragged underneath the wheels. I will take a deep breath and remind myself that worry doesn't give me more time, it's actually a thief of such things and prevents a person from focusing on the important things in life. So tonight I will pay extra attention to my children at the dinner table, remembering that today was actually a great day because lost bunnies found their way home.
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